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- Chris Fettweis (26)
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Recent Posts:
- Trump, China and International Order
- Restraining Rome: Lessons in Grand Strategy from Emperor Hadrian
- Psychology of a Superpower
- Unipolarity, Hegemony, and the New Peace
- Don’t Blame NATO for Libya
- Joe Biden, The Realist, For President?
- Misreading the Enemy
- Making Foreign Policy Decisions
- Relabeling: How to Diminish Armenian-Turkish Tensions
- On Heartlands and Chessboards: Classical Geopolitics, Then and Now
- The Coming Stability? The Decline of Warfare in Africa and Implications for International Security
- Threatlessness and US Grand Strategy
- The Pathologies of Power
- What’s really stalling the Israel-Palestinian peace process
- Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy
- Dangerous Times?
- Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy
- Freedom Fighters and Zealots: Al Qaeda in Historical Perspective
- Dangerous Revisionism: On the Founders, ‘Neocons’ and the Importance of History
- Credibility and the War on Terror
- Losing Hurts Twice as Bad
- On the Consequences of Failure in Iraq
- Post-traumatic Iraq syndrome
- A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?
- Revisiting Mackinder and Angell: The Obsolescence of Great Power Geopolitics
- War as catalyst: moving World War II to the center of Holocaust scholarship